Getting Started with API
This page will help you get started with API. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!
Welcome to API!
The API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
Introduction is on a mission to harmonize, understand and automate the skills across all of the HR tech stack in the organization and make it smart!
Skill Extraction
Using the Skills APIs you tap into the harmonized taxonomy which includes more than 40,000 skills that are gathered and constantly updated from hundreds of millions of online job postings, personal public profiles, resumes and courses. We help you find useful and in-demand skills in the job posts and resumes allowing you to creating rich applicative layers which are based on skills as they are defined by organizations and wisdom of the crowd (people) while cross validating it using the global governmental taxonomies.
Skill Similarity
Using Skills similarity API you uncover semantic similarity and relations behind skills that appear on job postings, personal public profiles and resumes. Structuring and normalizing the skills in the applicative layers of your application.
Role Insights
Using Role insights APIs you uncover the skills that the employers are looking for while taking into account the industry domain, company size, location and much more. The roles are harmonized and constantly updated by millions of job postings in a frequently periodic manner.
The Base Skill Object
The Base Skill Object represents basic skills metadata. This object is extended by context specific skill object, such as roles, personas and courses.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Id | Unique skill ID | UUID |
Name | Skill name | string |
Description | Skill description | string |
Type | Skill type | Enum |
Family ID | Skill Family ID | UUID |
Family Name | Skill Family Name | string |
Confidence Level | The probability of the skill object being predicted correctly by the algorithm. | Float, 0.00-1.00 |
Persona Skill Object
The Persona Skill Object represents skills for a given persona (employee, candidate, etc.).
Parameter | Description | Type |
Proficiency Level | The estimated proficiency level of a persona for a specific skill. | Float, 1.00-5.00 Range reference: 1.0 - novice 2.0 - beginner 3.0 - competent 4.0 - professional 5.0 - expert |
Role Skill Object
The Role Skill Object represents skills for a given role (occupation, position, etc.).
Parameter | Description | Type |
Importance | Denotes how critical the skill is for performing the specific task within the role. | Float, 1.00-5.00 Range reference: 1.00 - low 5.00 - high |
Desired Proficiency Level | The estimated level of proficiency needed for the specific skill in order to perform the role. | Float, 1.00-5.00 Range reference: 1.0 - novice 2.0 - beginner 3.0 - competent 4.0 - professional 5.0 - expert |
Course Skill Object
The Course Skill Object represents skills for a given course.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Obtained Proficiency Level | The estimated level of proficiency obtained upon course completion for the specific skill. | Float, 1.00-5.00 Range reference: 1.0 - novice 2.0 - beginner 3.0 - competent 4.0 - professional 5.0 - expert |
Updated over 2 years ago